Train your people for the best results
Whether your company has people dedicated to Data Management, Analytics and AI projects, or your team needs to equip itself with these skills to undertake successful projects effectively from start to finish, you can turn to our Data Science Academy.
Why choose our training?
A team carrying out Data Science projects must be able to master the data and drive the technology towards the results the company needs. Often, for many reasons, this does not happen.
Sometimes resources are not able to ground their technical knowledge, adapting solutions to the sector.
At other times, they do not have a full understanding of the requirements, risking losing sight of the business objectives when they get into technical activities.
Or, it happens that people feel a lack of precise direction, or confidence in the solidity of their results.
The solution?
Atraining with Data Science courses (in the areas of Data Management, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence) according to the specific features of your industry (Retail/Distribution, Manufacturing, Financial Services), your needs and the skill level of your team. Whether it is Data Visualisation, Business Intelligence, Data Integration or applied AI, we can design vertical paths to transform the skills of your professionals and enable them to achieve important business goals.
In Retail, for example, you can put your people in a position to:
- Segment customers.
- Analyse customer abandonment (Churn Rate).
- Optimise commercial campaigns.
- Predict demand.
- Obtain the degree of propensity to purchase products and services.
- Create Recommendation Engines.
- Proceed with Basket Analysis.
For the Manufacturing sector, with our courses it is possible to carry out the following projects autonomously:
- Predictive quality (defect prediction and root-cause analysis of non-conformities).
- Predictive maintenance.
- Customer segmentation.
- Optimisation of commercial campaigns.
- Demand prediction.
- Advanced IoT data applications.
In the field of Financial Services, our training in Data Science provides knowledge for:
- Segmenting customers.Analysing the Churn Rate.
- Obtaining the degree of propensity to buy banking products.
- Proceeding with anti-money laundering and anti-fraud analyses.
- Analysing and managing credit risk.

An effective training method
A method to become true experts
Our approach to training in Data Science rests on 3 pillars: mathematical-statistical knowledge, domain competency (acquiring the skills of business translator understanding how to recognise opportunities, assess the sustainability of the business case, manage integration with business processes and ensure clarity and communicability of objectives and results), technological skills.
Around these 3 pillars, solutions are built that are consistent with business objectives, transferring the notions learnt during training activities into practical applications.
We offer over 20 years of experience condensed into tailor-made courses - a value guaranteed by time and results: Data Science in all its fields has always been our bread and butter.

Our courses can be financed through interprofessional funds such as Fondimpresa, Fondo Banche Assicurazioni, Fondirigenti, etc.
Check together with your company's HR department the possibilities according to active conventions.